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Welcome to our newest littlest love, Elliot Michael Leo Wild. Our ninth Grandson Elliot was named after his Grandad (Michael) and Great Grandfather (Leo). Yes, you may be thinking oh didn't that certain Grandad already have a Grandson named after him? Yes he did! This is Grandson number two, imagine how swollen Grandads head is hahaha - no seriously isn't it awesome! I didn't think he was ever going to come out. Watching our youngest daughter through the first stage of labour wasn't easy, while she was being an absolute trooper the time had come for her to head to Waikato hospital To View More >>

When your much younger and may I add crazier friend, has baby number three! Meet Ardie Ross. Little brother to Axton and Alby. Ardie arrived with a ton of gorgeous dark hair any mother would be proud of. Parenthood comes natural to these two I swear they can take on anything life throws at them. Axton too is such a natural when it comes to welcoming his little siblings. You can tell by the way he holds his little brother that he's taking it all in his stride. Alby on the other hand - well he wasn't too sure, after all sharing his daddy for the photos was very To View More >>

Little Theo Michael Phillips came into the world on April 12th 2021. The fourth little human of Krissy and Blair. Youngest brother of Kade, Bailey and little Oliver. He also happens to be our eighth grandchild. Named after grandad and boy does he (grandad) like to remind us all about this wonderful achievement of his hahaha. In fact, we are not allowed to call him Theo, we have to call him Theo Michael (good lord grandad, you can't be serious), sorry folks - he is in actually very serious! Theo Michael (sorry but Grandad insists I call him by his whole name) To View More >>

He was born the day before his actual due date and on his big brothers due date (two years previously). Little Jackson Xavier Boberg. Second son of Nick and Ella and little brother of Nathan. I picked out his great grandfathers nose immediately, poor little Jackson I giggled. He had a mass of dark hair which really throw me as I was expecting him to be bald or close to it like his big brother. Although we knew he wasn't going to be big, he seemed so teeny weeny to me. Just three short hours after his birth we got to meet Jackson. While his mum and dad were walking To View More >>

November 22nd, 2020. Moo (my grandson, real name Nathan, aged two) was about to become a brand new big brother which meant that while daddy, mummy and Auntie Tash got to go and have a baby, Moo got to spend the day with Nana (that's me, well one of them) So as they headed out the door it did cross my mind that we could be in for endless hours of tears, possible tantrums and maybe kicking, and that was just his mother hahaha. No seriously, I did wonder how he would cope as he had only wanted mummy during those early contractions, those early 'fake contractions' (I call them fake because I didn't To View More >>