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He was born the day before his actual due date and on his big brothers due date (two years previously). Little Jackson Xavier Boberg. Second son of Nick and Ella and little brother of Nathan.
I picked out his great grandfathers nose immediately, poor little Jackson I giggled. He had a mass of dark hair which really throw me as I was expecting him to be bald or close to it like his big brother. Although we knew he wasn't going to be big, he seemed so teeny weeny to me.
Just three short hours after his birth we got to meet Jackson. While his mum and dad were walking around the birthing unit room like they had just been shopping! Ella was up, showered and was absolutely beaming, proving first and second labors can be totally opposite.


The following images were captured a few weeks later when Jackson came to visit, he was six weeks old, how on earth did he get so big in such a short time? I can't wait to capture their first family session, I really hope that can happen soon. Welcome to the family Jackson, you have made a huge impact already and we couldn't love you more if we tried.
